Was Superwoman the alter ego or was it Lois Lane? Surprise!
Lois is the alter ego! And like her, you are also a Superwoman and isn't it time to claim those Superpowers?
The Superwoman Sessions are designed for strong women ready for change and who want to take better care of themselves. You are the boss of you world and yet no one is keeping you accountable.
Why now?
You need to remember who you are and that you have the potential to find peace by seeing a painful issue from a new kinder, gentler and more supportive perspective. Other benefits include:
-Personalized cheerleaders for tough times
-Finding compelling reasons to take the time you need to nurture yourself
-Improved personal charisma and better communication skills through collaboration
Lois is the alter ego! And like her, you are also a Superwoman and isn't it time to claim those Superpowers?
The Superwoman Sessions are designed for strong women ready for change and who want to take better care of themselves. You are the boss of you world and yet no one is keeping you accountable.
Why now?
You need to remember who you are and that you have the potential to find peace by seeing a painful issue from a new kinder, gentler and more supportive perspective. Other benefits include:
- -Community, especially if you are a you are a solo business owner and can use some feedback
- Giving yourself time for yourself with something fun and beneficial that you don’t have to plan yourself
-Personalized cheerleaders for tough times
-Finding compelling reasons to take the time you need to nurture yourself
-Improved personal charisma and better communication skills through collaboration