The Colors of Your Week - December 11-17, 2017The Colors of Your Week - December 11-17, 2017 The week starts off with you standing tall, strong and firm as you laugh at your demons (I know, right! What a way to begin a week!) On the other hand, better to laugh, then go to battle! Laughter implies that you don’t care, you’ve detached, and you are so over this bullsh*t! The energy at the beginning of this week is offering you just the right amount of support and courage to do so. The key to this is focusing on where you are miserable right now, even though that sounds crazy.
The best thing now is to trust that everything will resolve in the right time. Let go of heavy judgments and focus on what feels good and makes you smile and even better, laugh! Align with your higher self and trust that you’ve got this. Once we’re laughing and letting go, we’re ready to embrace the energy of midweek, which encourages you to reach for the stars (and it should be a lot easier, now that we’ve put down the heavy stuff that’s been holding us back!) Now is the time to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and go for it by keeping your mind focused on your highest dreams, while knowing you deserve them to come true! Stay positive, stay open, don’t allow yourself to be swept away by any negative emotions. Claim what’s yours and go for it! You know what you want and now is a great time to set a firm intention that you shall have it! The weekend is surprising! It’s like a bookend for how we started this week… with the energy again shifting to support you in facing your adversaries. Wowser! (It makes even more sense now why I chose this artwork before tuning into what was going on.) Embrace your bad ass and beautiful self. What you want to look at here is:
Really look at the facts and try to understand your motives and the motives of any others involved. Watch for self-judgment and avoid self-righteousness. Get clear before making your stand. There’s always two sides to every story and one of them is yours… are you seeing it clearly? (If you’re having trouble figuring something out, check in with a friend whom you trust or hit REPLY here. I’m happy to help you gain a little clarity if you need it). It’s a powerful week if we embrace what’s being offered, there’s a chance to create true and lasting change and see our dreams start to become more of a reality, but it’s going to take a little bit of work and showing up on our end! I know you can do it! Be brave, be badass, and beautiful, and see what happens this week. (Art is from I Fucking Love Myself) P.S. Seriously, if things are feeling too much and/or overwhelming for you right now and you need help with clarity, use the form below and let me know where you are and when is a good to have a quick chat! The Holidays are a stressful time for many of us, if you haven't joined my special holiday stress relief support group on Facebook - 21 Days of Comfort & Joy - please come on over, it runs through December 26th!.There's a chance at prizes, valued at over $1200, daily freebies, stress relieving tips, contests, new friends and old friends. I'd love to see you there! ***The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse., the best deal on the internet! ****Have you solved The Case of the Missing Sparkle? It’s FREE coloring book with a puzzle to solve. Click here to get yours.
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Kim A. Flodin
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January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.