TRANSCRIBED FROM How to fall in love with yourself TOOLKIT podcast.
Hello and welcome to the How to Fall in Love with Yourself Toolkit for January 2020 complete with your theme for the month, weekly themes and a theme to guide you through this year. This is your host Kim A. Flodin, and I want to introduce myself before we get going this year and month. You might know me as The Coloring Book Coach or as the host of my other podcast. How in the Hell did I get here? You might've found me through one of the many coloring books I have now on Amazon or somewhere else, but no matter how our paths may have crossed, I'm so glad you're here. So I wanted to share just a little bit more about myself before we get going. I've been interested in nature, magic fairies, ghosts, other worlds, potential and possibilities for my whole life. And I guess you could call me a seeker because I've always been able to see that things are more than they seem and I love sharing that with other people. So along the way, I've done lots of fun and interesting and mind-expanding things, including Reiki training. I'm now a Reiki master. If you don't know what Reiki is, I encourage you to check it out. It's a healing energy that can be received either hands-on or from a distance. And the reason I took Reiki is because I was visiting Lilydale, New York, also known as the town that talks to the dead, and an intuitive guests there told me that I too had spiritual gifts - which I already knew of course - but I was searching for how to align with them and utilize them for my best self and the best for others. So when she told me that Reiki would help me open up, I listened and I did the training and in that very first training, I started receiving a lot more information than I'd previously allowed myself to receive from people. Then I did a Reiki healing on a classmate and tuned in to a lot of what was going on in her life - to her surprise and to mine. That was in 2004 and that ability has just grown and grown. So if you're interested in checking it out, I do offer long-distance healings. You can find out more about those on my website. After Reiki, I wanted to continue my spiritual expansion, so this included traveling to Sedona and working with a monk and learning an ancient meditation. I also healed myself of lifelong asthma allergies and debilitating sciatica and became a trained facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, which is a fabulous way to release and reframe any and all stressful thoughts that are keeping you unhappy and stuck. Then in 2010 I took a big chance and changed my life in a major (and it turned out hard) way when I was struck by a financial and emotional tsunami that wiped out everything in my life, but my health and catapulted me into a crazy and challenging adventure, which included driving back and forth across the United States by myself almost five times, working with and helping heroin addicts, discovering my inner artist along the way, starting my own special Energy Apprenticeship Course for people who are ready to be their best and find their own inner healing, plus creating this podcast and my other podcast, How in the Hell did I get here? and helping myself and others heal and aligned with their potential. So that's a little bit about me and why I do what I do. I really love working with people and helping you open up to your potential and possibilities and help you get there using the gifts that I have along with your spirit and willingness to find your way and be your best. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this podcast for a special limited offer just for you. Speaking of this month. Welcome to January, 2020 it's got a nice ring to it. Don't you think? I really liked that we are in 2020 but I'm going to take the 2020 analogy and flip it to it's time to have a real clear vision about the future. And we're starting not only a new year, but this is a new decade and there is a no time like the present to drop all the crap that you picked up in the last 10 years that you no longer need anymore. Seriously set an intention to go into 2020 and this decade clean and clear. You do not need to drag anything from the past that's been holding you down, dragging you back or just getting in your way with you. Let's have a clear 2020 vision for the year ahead and the decade ahead. We deserve that. I think since it is the beginning of the year, we should have a theme to guide us for the entire year besides just seeing clearly and the theme is not to spoil the ending for you, but everything's going to be okay. That's the actual theme. Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything's going to be okay. I can't think of a better way to head into a year with the knowledge already being given to us that things are going to be okay, so please remember that as we head into 2020 and go through this year, things are going to be okay. That is my advice to you for this year. That is the theme for your year. Things are going to be okay. Please don't forget that. We also have a theme for the month of January, which is the more gratitude you have, the more joy you attract. Um, if you know anything about the law of attraction, you know that that's true. And the law of attraction is basically like attracts like. So it also could come down to another one of my favorite sayings, which is what you focus on grows. If you're focusing on what's going right, guess what? More things are going to go right. If you're focusing on what's going wrong, guess what? More things are going to go wrong. It just works that way. Start paying attention to what's going right and find the gratitude. An action step you can take for this month is to write down three things that went well each day and three things you're grateful for each day. And I like to do this before I get into bed every night because I have found that if I do this, it helps me sleep better. I write down my three things that went great. I write down the three things I'm grateful for. And then I also write down whatever the hell is bothering me or that I'm thinking about for that day or what I might be thinking about for tomorrow. Because I've have found that when you can do a brain dump at the end of the day and kind of clear everything out, then my brain doesn't have to be worrying about that stuff at 3:00 AM right? I don't have to wake up thinking about my to-do list. I've already got that written down and taken care of because I've written it down before I went to bed that night. So that's just a little tip that it may help you as well. But I really find that to be a really great way for my brain to just quiet down and let me get some good quality sleep. So the first week of the month, runs from Sunday, January 6th and ends Saturday, January 11th. And the theme for the week is love is kind, anything less isn't love at all. Wow. What a great way to start the month of January with a reminder that love is kind and anything less isn't love at all. That's a benchmark right there so you can look around in your life and see where you might be experiencing some places where things aren't so kind and see that that isn't love. Also, I think this is a huge message for us just to look at how we're being kind and loving to ourselves in our own way. I mean we need to acknowledge ourselves and, and start to really understand that kindness towards ourselves is a huge form of self-love and start looking at ways that you can be so super kind to yourself. Send a message of kindness and love to yourself starting off this year and see where that takes you because seriously, it has to start with us. No one can really get near us if we aren't being kind and loving to ourselves. I mean who wants to be around a person that isn't kind of loving to themselves? Be kind, be loving and remember that love is kind, anything less is not love at all. Be kind to yourself this first week in January. So the theme for the second week of January is there is no such thing as destruction without possibility. And this week runs from Sunday, January 12th through Saturday the 18th. This is so great to look at this. There's no such thing as destruction without possibility. Nothing can be destroyed without the possibility of something else being birthed. And that counts for just about everything because if something is destroyed or you lose something, there's no way that it can open up space for something else to move in. It can feel really super hard if you are in the midst of destruction and it can feel like there are no, but trust me, there are, you might not be able to see them right now. But also remember that the first theme for this month on the first week is love is kind and anything less isn't love at all. So destruction probably doesn't feel kind, that's not love. But the love that is there is contained within the possibility that happens when the destruction happens. You know, they say that forest fires are actually needed a lot of the time. Not that I love fires or even advocate them and, and things have been mismanaged, but in a normal cycle, a forest will burn and that is the only way for certain pine cones to be popped open and for those seeds to be released so more trees can then regrow. So in destruction, there is possibility. Just a thought and something really to think about. The third week of January runs from Sunday, January 19th to the 25th and I love the theme and the truth of the statement for this week. You've done the best you could and your best was absolutely good enough for real. Isn't that a great statement? Just listen to that. I'm going to repeat that. Just close your eyes and listen to what I'm saying to you here. You've done the best you could and your best was absolutely good enough for real. You've done the best you could and your best was absolutely good enough for real. You've done the best you could and your best was absolutely good enough for real. That's 100% true statement right there because everybody is doing their best at all times and if you think that you're not, or if you think that somebody else isn't, it's not true because we're all doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing and are doing at any given moment. So we're all doing our best and if the mind wants to say otherwise, that's one opinion. You don't have to believe it. The mind will throw up all sorts of crazy crap. You do not have to believe it. Thoughts are like clouds in the sky. They don't have to cover up your sunshine... only if you let them. You've done the best you could and your best was absolutely good enough for real. I know that. I know that is 100% true and if you don't feel that way, please take a moment to listen to that again. You've done the best you could and your best was absolutely good enough for real and cut yourself some Slack because you deserve it. You've done the best you could. So for the end of January, the theme is speed doesn't matter, forward as forward. The last week of this month starts on January 26th and ends on February 1st so again, speed doesn't matter, forward is forward. By the very fact that you're on the planet, you're moving because we all are. You're showing up, I'm showing up just by being here. So don't worry about how fast you're going. Just know that you're going at exactly the pace you're supposed to. And also if you're a person who thinks that things should be different and things should be showing up quicker and things should be happening quicker and all that stuff, cut yourself some slack because time just goes how it goes and speed really doesn't matter. Forward is forward and you'll get where you're supposed to go when you are supposed to get there. That is one thing I know for sure. So January looks like an interesting month and it looks like a great start to a great year and a great decade. So listen, I was thinking about it and since it is a new year and a great time to try new things, I'd like to invite eight of you - yes, I said eight of you - to join me for three months of my energy apprenticeship training. This training is amazing. We'll work together monthly and with my help, you'll find more clarity and explore your gifts and discover just how magic life can be. You'll also learn how to heal yourself, hands-on through Reiki, and you'll be attuned for level one at the end of the 90 days. Space is limited and I'm offering this to you for 50% off the regular price. So if you're interested in this, check out the offer at the coloring book, to learn more and claim your spot. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you're in my Facebook group. Fall in Love with Yourself with The Coloring Book Coach. If you're not there, please come over and hang out and say, hey, I heard the podcast. I'd love to hear from you and meet you. Also, be sure to visit for freebies and fun. Have a great month and see you back here next month. This show was hosted, written, and produced by Kim A. Flodin, also known as The Coloring Book Coach. Our music today comes from the website and is called "Walking Stars - Nostalgic Emotional Piano Underscore" by Rafael Krux ( and is being used under a Creative Commons License CC BY
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Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.