ave you been waiting on something? Or wondering just how something might work out? Have you been worried about something? Focusing on a solution and not finding one? Well, not to worry, as we enter this week, we move into the energy of finding a favorable outcome. Now, keep in mind, sometimes favorable outcomes look differently to us than we expect, which can be hard to understand. Sometimes we think we know what the best outcome will be and that’s not what happens at all! If and when that happens, it’s a good idea to remind ourselves that we don’t really ever have the big Big Picture and things may happen now which won’t make sense until much later. So, no matter what shows up, know that you can see it a favorable outcome now and if that seems crazy, you’re likely to be surprised later! As we move into midweek, pay attention to your dreams... you may want to keep a notepad by your bed to jot them down when you wake up and take some time to think about what it means to you. What message is there for you? Also, be sure to pay attention to the thoughts you’re hearing when you first wake up., there’s a space there sometimes for messages we need to slip through to us. By the time the weekend around, we’re going to be looking at our options! Things may be looking a lot differently for you than they did at the beginning of the week... you may have found resolution to an issue and also gained some insights from your dreams or from messages which come during the night, which means the options you’re exploring now may be completely new and exciting for you! No matter how your week goes, I want to remind you to call on Archangel Michael, who was introduced here last week, for any sort of guidance you feel you need or can use. He’s always there for you with love, protection, wisdom and support... all you need to do is tune in and you’ll be able to feel and hear his support for you. Have a great week! It’s ripe with possibilities for positive change! Color this week's fun artwork from Get Coloring, Get Happy, 32 images now available to download from $1.99
The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with the palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A new podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today!
1 Comment
I’m feeling it all every ache, pain, foggy brain feeling with each weather change. I’m like one little tuning fork when it comes to energy shifts. It’s good to know it’s not just me and I’m not taking it personally. I’m keeping my thoughts positive and my heart open to the abundance around me. ❤️
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Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.