TRANSCRIBED FROM THE HOW TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF TOOLKIT PODCAST: (00:00) Hey, it's Kim A. Flodin and welcome to the how to fall in love with yourself. Toolkit podcast. Could I have made that name any longer? (00:10) Anyway, this is the month of December and we have an awesome theme for this month. It's powerful. The theme for this month is follow your intuition. Be smart, be brave, tell the truth and don't take any shit. And that's a quote from Kelly Cutrone. I like Kelly, I don't know Kelly, but I like that attitude. (00:35) So it's the end of the year and I can't think of any better time than to take a stance for yourself, which means really trust that you do know on the inside what's going on. Still waters run deep. You have a stillness inside of you that you can access that will answer anything you need to know. And that is your intuition. (01:02) So follow your intuition. Be smart. Say no. If you need to say no, be brave. That also could mean saying no. That also could mean saying yes if there's something that's scaring you a little bit, but you're kind of still attracted to it. Be brave. Say yes and tell the truth. (01:24) There is no time like the present than to tell the truth. Whatever that means to you. If this is resonating within you right now, if you have something within you that you have been meaning to tell the truth about now's the time. And when you do tell that truth, don't take any shit. (01:42) So whew, we're going out with a bang here people. This is a powerful month. (01:48) December 2-8: Let's move into the first week of this month, which runs from December 2nd through 8th and we have a quote here for this week, which is from Wayne Dyer. I love Wayne Dyer. He was one of my teachers along the way, a long, long time ago. But he's great. And if you don't know who he is, please look him up. (02:07) Anyway, the quote is, heaven on earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find. What does that mean? Let's, let's think about that for a second. Have an unearth as a choice. You must make, not a place. You must find what it means to me anyway is that you're basically, I'm basically right here right now. I don't know what's going to happen literally in the next minute. (02:32) I mean we all live in places where, you know, extreme weather can almost occur anywhere nowadays. So literally, I mean anything can happen in any moment. So when you really get clear on that, the mind loves to go forward or backwards and take us into places that we're not even at. (02:50) I mean, literally, I am just sitting here in front of my microphone talking into it right now. That's all that's happening for me. And it's fine. It's great. I can choose to make this my heaven because why not? Everything's going fine. I'm recording the podcast. It's good. (03:06) So heaven on earth is a choice you must make and you can do that in any situation if you drop into the situation and ground yourself and watch where the mind wants to take you and where you actually are. Find the point of contrast and find that stillness and you might just be able to shift your perception. (03:26) Again, this kind of follows the theme of follow your intuition. Be smart, be brave, tell the truth, tell the truth to yourself and don't take any shit from the mind trying to take you into the future and take you backwards. Because that just does not help in the long run. (03:43) December 9-15: Week number two runs from December 9th through the 15th. And I love this saying. It is, you can't drag anyone down who isn't willing to go. (03:55) I'm applying this to my own life. Like I can't drag myself down if I'm not saying I'm willing to go there. Or if someone comes along and is talking crap to me and I agree with what they say, I'm, I'm willing to go. I'm willing to walk down into the pit of hell and feel bad about myself over something someone else said about me, which I want to say. I don't do that very often anymore. Because I understand that we're all in pain of our own sword and when we've lash out, we're lashing out. Because of our hurt on the inside. (04:27) So if you can find compassion for people and realize they're usually talking about themselves.But it can be hard. Sometimes words do hurt and you know, I do get dragged down. Just remember again, back to our overall theme. Don't take any shit. Tell the truth. Be brave, be smart. Follow your intuition. If someone's trying to drag you down, this is not the month you want to go with them. Just stand tall. Be firm, believe in yourself. Don't let yourself drag yourself down. Don't beat yourself up over things. (05:01) Just stay rooted in the here and now and keep on going because this is a powerful month and it's a powerful month to stand tall and be firm in your conviction of who you are as a person and how really fabulous you are as a person. So whew. (05:18) Yeah. Week two, you can't drag anyone down who isn't willing to go. So the key is don't be willing to go. Week three runs from December 16th through the 22nd, and this is one of my favorite sayings, and you'll see it. ![]() (05:33) December 16-22: You'll see me saying this on social media. I love taking pictures and I seem to find hearts everywhere, so it's love is everywhere when you're paying attention. Again, that goes back to the whole thing of paying attention. Where am I right now? Where is the love right now? Well, for me, I'm sitting in this little booth recording this podcast, but I have a chair that's supporting me. My equipment's, it's comfortable in here. It's, I'm pretty in a year, so if that's not love, I don't know what it is so you can find it if you look for it. (06:08) The other thing is I'm going to challenge you this week to take a time limit. Whatever you want to do. If it's 12 hours a day, 24 hours, 40 hours, I don't care. Just say I want to see as many hearts in as many places as I can in the next 48 hours say and start keeping track because I'm telling you love is everywhere when you're paying attention, and if you look at the blog post for this week, I found a picture of a heart. I saw a heart. It formed out of a bumper, just the angle of it. A bumper had fallen off a car and someone had set it up against this concrete blocks and all I saw was a heart. Other people just would've seen garbage. But there's definitely a heart there. (06:58) So keep your eyes open. Love is everywhere. And if you start living like that, the universe really does start to show you the love. I'm not even kidding. More and more magical things will happen. ![]() (07:09)
December 23-29: So the last week of this month, which is December 23rd through the 29th has another great saying. The only time that Rose colored glasses don't work is when you take them off. And that's a quote from Jim Channon. The only time Rose colored glasses don't work is when you take them off. It's true. You got to think positively. (07:32) People, I wake up every day or most of the days, and I literally, I mean, I'm kind of a dork, but I don't care. I literally I say to myself, it's going to be a great day. Everything's going my way. You know, and I'm sure that's like the start of a song or something, but it just makes me feel better cause I don't know what the day is going to bring, but I do know that if I greet the day in a positive, happy way, the days going to respond in kind. That just makes sense. (07:58) You put out the positive energy, it's going to come back to you. I have learned this over and over and over again in my life. Either I am the luckiest person alive or I am so positive or possibly a little bit of both. I do know that I am a cockeyed optimist. I really am and I've been called Pollyanna and you know other names because I see things as being good most of the time. (08:23) I just expect things to be good. I expect things to go well to the point that at one point in my life I was able to fly free on a major airline for about 12 or 13 years, but I had to to fly standby, but I always just thought, "Oh, it's going to be such a great adventure and I always expected to get on the plane and guess what? I did! I got on the plane 57 times and I think only two times I couldn't get out of the plane, but then something else really far out and wonderful happened and most of those trips were in first-class. (08:58) Think positive. It's worth it. It doesn't cost you anything. Just remember we're ending the year and the only time that Rose colored glasses don't work is when you take them off. That is it just a great reminder for life in a really beautiful way to wrap up this year. Speaker 1: (09:14) Let's go into the new year. Knowing that we can really trust ourselves. Really being able to know that our intuition is solid. We can rely on that. We are going to be smart. We're going to be brave. We're telling our truth and we're not taking any more shit. I just love that. (09:34) Yet, even among all those things, we're going to remember that heaven on earth is a choice and we're going to make that choice and we're not going to keep searching for something to be better because we're going to find what's really awesome and good right here. (09:48) And, we're going to remember that you can't drag anyone down who isn't willing to go. That's either you or someone trying to drag you down. And of course you don't want to do that to other people. And then of course, love is everywhere. Look for those hearts. Look for those hearts. Speaker 1: (10:02) Set that 48 hour time limit and ask the universe to show you the love. And you know it might not be a heart for you. It could be something else that symbolizes love, but just ask for it to show you the love. I see a lot of hearts. (10:14) And then we're going out of the year with the only time that rose-colored glasses don't work is when you take them off. So there is every reason to be optimistic. And every reason to believe that this is going to be a great month and a great year ahead. (10:29) As a challenge for this final week of the month, full week of the month, you could write down every day three things that you're grateful for and three things that you're optimistic about and see where that takes you. Just do it for seven days and see what happens. So that's it for this month. Thank you so much for tuning in. Speaker 1: (10:51) Find more inspiration and a free coloring book at the coloring book, which is me, Kim A. Flodin. Along with information on my other fun and funny podcast. How in the hell did I get here? If you love to laugh, be sure to tune into that one. It's myself, my four sisters, assorted guests telling crazy wackadoodle far out funny stories and true life stories. And sometimes they're not always as funny as they are. Poignant. we've talked about mental health issues, health issues, how to deal with stress, grief, a whole lot of other, you know, things that happen in life. But it is a great show and I hope you tune in. It's how in the hell did I get here? (11:35) If you have a minute and you found this show helpful, please take a second to share it with a friend. I really appreciate it. And also if you can subscribe and rate the show, that would be great. (11:51) So have a great month. December is a beautiful month. Go out there, be your best self, and I'll be back next year for your January, how to fall in love with yourself. Tool kit.
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Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.