Big Week! Lots of Potential for a Shift Ahead! The Colors of Your Week December 18-24, 201712/17/2017 Check out the colors for this week … bold, bright, decisive! The week starts with detaching from drama. What’s going in your life right now that if you could just pull back from it and let it move on its own, would probably resolve at a much quicker pace? There’s a favorite saying I have, which is “what resists, persists and what you focus on grows.” That is so true, where you put your focus is what will move…so are you focusing on what supports you or are you right there stuck in the thick of all your drama? The good news is that you are supported to put that stuff down, turn another way, look at other options (and there’s always other options, no matter what you might have thought). So, go for it, drop it, leave it, set it down, surrender and re-focus and re-set your priorities and watch the drama fade away. One thing is for certain, the amount of drama in your life is equal to the attention placed on it. Refocus! You’ve got this! That’s for sure, because the mid-week energy is all about finding and saying your NO (which is something The Coloring Book Coach is all about!) Maybe some of the drama comes from not being able to achieve the respect and acknowledgement you desire and deserve, or through unnecessary power struggles with authority figures, or by feeling others are trying to control you, or maybe you’re just at your limit - feeling resentful and needing a break! If any of that sounds even remotely familiar, it’s crucial you find your NO (refer to The Coloring Book Coach’s helpful blog: 25 Ways to Say No), which provides you with easy directions and examples on how you can stand up for yourself and say no. You’ll be surprised when you find out how many issues in your life can be resolved by finding that NO! Many times, your troubles are directly connected to being unable to set limits that work for you. The time is supportive now for you to stand with authority in your own life! This is exciting! This week is about doing some heavy work by letting go of drama and saying no, the weekend reminds us to make no judgments. If you have drama in your life and you’re unable to say no, sometimes your default reaction is judgment and self-righteousness, which does not serve. If you’re feeling angry, irritated, superior and judgmental at the people around you, now is the time to refrain and retrain the mind to be open to all and stop seeing others as wrong just because they don’t believe what you believe. Pull back and go neutral…. look at anything you are judging like a stranger in a strange land who has no idea of what’s going on or how it should be. You might be surprised at what you can learn! The other important point here, is that if you are judging others, you are most likely judging yourself. You have permission and support to STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. This is a very powerful week… the message is clear: the energy is here to support you in making some powerful changes by detaching from drama; finding your honest no and standing by it; and pulling back your judgments so you can see things more clearly. This is a very exciting week filled with so much potential for positive things to happen for you, but, as usual, you will have to make the first move! Have a great week, cuties! If you’re reading this and want to whole kit (insight, palette and coloring page all chosen specially for this week), it’s yours when you join The Coloring Book Clubhouse! ******************************************************** P.S. Seriously, if things are feeling too much and/or overwhelming for you right now and you need help with clarity, use the form below and let me know where you are and when is a good to have a quick chat! ***We're counting down to the big day in the best possible way and you're invited to joined my special holiday stress relief support group on Facebook - 21 Days of Comfort & Joy - please come on over, it runs through December 26th!.There's a chance at prizes, valued at over $1200, daily freebies, stress relieving tips, contests, new friends and old friends. I'd love to see you there! ***The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse., the best deal on the internet! ****You can heal your heart through coloring. Check out The Case of the Missing Sparkle? A FREE coloring book just for you with a puzzle to solve. Click here to get yours. I'd love to chat... let me know where you are and what time is good!
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Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.