Transcribed from the Fall in Love with Yourself Podcast featuring a monthly theme, weekly themes, and tools to manage both.
Can you believe it’s November already? Let’s all take a moment and honor ourselves for making it this far through this crazy year. I want to hear from you! What are you struggling with right now? Please email the [email protected] and let me know, this will help me create better shows for you in the future! Lastly, be sure to read all the way for a special message from The Dude (also known as Archangel Michael)/ So, here we are. It's November and the theme for this month is I've got 99 problems and I ain't told you one. I don't know who said that, but I love it because it points us towards something that's really important that can change your life in a major way, which is our propensity to complain. Do you complain about things? Do I complain about things? Yeah, sometimes I do. But you know what I have found is that the more I complain the unhappier I get. And it really doesn't add to my life or make things better. And I bet if you're paying attention you’ve noticed that, too. What does complaining really get us anyway? Stuck in victim mode for one thing. And that's not helpful to anyone. Who wants to hang out with the victim, am I right? So with the theme of I've got 99 problems and I ain't told you one, your challenge for this month - and honestly, it should be your challenge for the rest of your life - is to stop complaining. Just stop it right now. Start to be mindful of what you're saying and thinking. Be mindful of the times you're complaining. Be mindful of what that complaining creates in your life. You know I talked a lot here about how everything is energy and frequency and when you're complaining you're creating more things to complain about because you're drawing them to you. So I want you to stop it, right now, and hopefully for the rest of your life. Just start this month, and see how it goes. Seriously when you stop complaining it can change your life in a really positive and powerful way and that's what I want for you. I'd also love to hear from you how this goes for you this month, so feel free to DM me on Instagram @kimaflodin or reach out to me at [email protected] and let me know what you notice when you stop complaining. Let's make a pact together to become more mindful in our speech and thoughts and to stop complaining. Moving into our first week of November, which runs from Monday the 2nd through Sunday the 8th, the theme is if we don't feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we'd be happy with more? I can’t think of a better theme as we head into Thanksgiving. Because we all have a lot more than we think we have. For whatever reason our brains seem to be wired to focus on what we don't have instead of looking at and being grateful for what we do have and that's a pity, but like the theme for the month of no complaining requires us to be mindful, so does being grateful for what we already have and taking the focus off what we don't have, right? I think you know where I'm going with this, the challenge for this week - and again this is another tool that you could use for the rest of your life - is to start making a gratitude list. Writing a gratitude list daily is a small thing you can do to create big changes in your life. Did you know that studies have proven that when you become more grateful and mindful of what you are grateful for that you not only improve the relationships you have, but you also attract new and better relationships? It also helps your physical and psychological health, plus you'll sleep better and it can improve your self-esteem and your mental strength. I hope you can start making a list either at night before you fall asleep or in the morning when you wake up of at least five or more things you are grateful for and shift the focus to what you have. This exercise will help you truly understand and be grateful for what you have and help you also see what is available and who is around you in your life. I'm excited for you to start this! Okay moving into the second week of November, which runs from Monday the 9th and ends on Sunday the 15th, the theme is being difficult makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may have been given a cactus but you don't have to sit on it. I love that - I don't know who said it - but I love it. This theme supports that we don't want to be complaining about anything. we want to be focusing on what we have and what we are grateful for and not on the fact that someone is trying to get us to sit on a cactus, right? So your challenge is, honestly just continue with what I've already asked you to do... which is to stop complaining and keep that gratitude list going. When you do those two things you have the power to change your life rapidly, seriously when I stopped complaining and started focusing on being grateful for what I had, life responded in kind and started bringing me more things to be grateful for and way fewer things to complain about. And I want the same thing for you. The third week of November starts on Monday the 16th and ends on Sunday the 22nd and the theme comes from Brene Brown, if you don't know who she is please look her up. She's an amazing author and speaker and you should definitely check out her Ted Talk on vulnerability, it's super inspiring. So the theme from Brene is don't try to win over the haters, you are not a jackass whisperer. So do you ever try to convince somebody of something that you really feel strongly about and they don't agree? How much fun is that? How frustrating can that be? Doesn't even work to try to get someone to change their mind if they don't want to? I believe the answer to all those questions is no it doesn't and it's not worth it so don't waste your breath. Don't waste your time, just follow Brene Brown's advice. Don't try to win over the haters, you're not a jackass whisperer. the haters aren't your people. You want to be around people who want to be around you and you want to be around them. So stop right now trying to win over the haters. Haters are going to hate as the saying goes that's what they do and they're good at it but you don't have to use your precious time to convince anybody about anything. Just let it go. So your challenge this week is for you to become very aware of when you're trying to convince somebody of something that is true for you but may not be true for them and taking the time to notice if it really matters in the long run. Be mindful of this because it's important for your mental, emotional, and physical health. Remember what I say… if people are offended by you being you, then they're probably not for you. so let it go and stay focused on the people who love you, who are cheering you on, and who want you to be your best self. That's the most important thing right now. Stop trying to be a jackass whisperer, because guess what jackass whisperers never win. The last week of the month runs from Monday the 23rd and ends on Sunday the 29th and includes Thanksgiving. The theme is you have permission to rest. You don't have to fix anything. You're not responsible for anyone else. You can take some time for yourself. You can say no. You can ask for what you want. This last week of the month is really all about empowering yourself and being true to you. Because if you're not being your authentic self and being true to who you are and honoring Who You Are, you're ripping the world off. And I want you to sit and think about what that means. I can tell you when I think about anyone doing that, it pisses me off. I know that sounds harsh, but it's true. If you're not letting yourself be who you truly are with everyone you come in contact with, you're not only doing yourself a huge disservice, but you're doing us a huge disservice because you're not letting us know the true you! And how can you expect to attract the people who are going to love you, cheer you on, adore you, and want to be with you, if you don't even want to be with who you really are? Please stop hiding from us! Please don't shrink yourself to be someone you think someone else wants you to be, please don't hide from your beautiful self. You're not doing anyone any favors and I really want you to stop it. This is the perfect week to do this because many of us will be gathering with people who we love and care about and who love and care about us for the Thanksgiving holiday- although this year I think there's going to be a lot of Zoom Thanksgiving celebrations - still it doesn't matter, be you, please. One thing I think we've all become aware of this year is that life is truly short and it can change on a dime. So please be yourself and give yourself permission to be yourself. Give yourself permission to rest and really understand that you don't have to fix anything and that you're not responsible for anybody else's life but your own. I don't care if you feel like people don’t approve of you, if they want to be disapproving and miss out on how wonderful and awesome you are that’s their choice. And for some people, that’s just their default programming... so just be you. Give yourself permission to take time for yourself, give yourself permission to say no when you want to say no, and give yourself permission to say yes when you want to say yes. And finally, give yourself permission to ask for what you want...if there's only one piece of pie left in the pan and you want it but you know that someone else loves that kind of pie,eat that pie without guilt or worry and enjoy the damn pie! Your challenge this week is to just do all those things. Ask for what you want, take downtime as you need it, stop taking responsibility for others shit, say no, say yes, and stop worrying so damn much about what other people think of you. Please stop denying us from knowing the true you. You're only hurting yourself and I hate that because I want to know you and other people do too. Not only that, we all deserve to know who you are, your true beautiful self. So it's kind of a big month and a heavy month. There's a lot of mindfulness involved this month but I know that you can do it and I haven't asked anything that's too difficult for you to do. And I promise if you even do one of these suggestions, you will see your life shift in a positive direction. I'd love to hear if you have any feedback or any results that happen when you do follow this advice. I want the best for you, really I do and I know I was maybe a little harsh this month but it's only because there's no time to waste anymore. Life is short. Don't complain. Be grateful. Be true to you. And now here's a short message from Archangel Michael for you: Hello, my dears, this is Archangel Michael, I'm so grateful that Kim listened to my request to be here and share some of my wisdom with you all. I know that many of you are worried and concerned about the state of the world right now. And there is a lot going on. I know that, and so do the Angels who guide you and who are all around you at all times. We know you are scared sometimes. we know you are worrying. we know you are wondering about what's going to happen next. We know you feel uncertain and confused and alone a lot of the time. I am here today to assure you that all those things are normal human reactions. But also to remind you and share with you something that I tell Kim quite frequently, which is you don't know what you don't know. I and my fellow archangels and angels are working in a realm where you can't see us but that doesn't mean we're not here for you and guiding what's happening on the planet. We are and there is more happening for the good than is known to you right now. And even though I can't share why it is this way, please trust me that this is the only way that it can be at this time. I want to remind you that no matter what is happening, truly all is well - and I know this is hard to understand - but trust me that things are happening exactly as they're supposed to. I can tell you we are here for you, I am here for you, you can call on me anytime you are feeling lonely, confused, anxious, fearful, stressed out, worried, or uncertain and I will be there. That's my job, to be there for you when you call and if you don't believe that I am showing up for you, ask for a sign that you will understand and I will make sure to give you one. please trust that you don't know what you don't know and that I and all the archangels and all the angels are here for you. We are here to help and we are helping. One last thing, not everybody would have the courage to share a message from me to you in this way. So please support my dear friend Kim, she and I have been best friends for a long time now and she has seen and witnessed more miracles than she ever would have believed could happen and I want that for you as well. But what I also ask is for you please support her and what she is trying to do to make the world a better place. Thank you for listening. This is your Archangel Michael sending much love and support as I sign off for now. You can listen to the podcast here or wherever you get your podcasts and if you have a minute and can review the show on iTunes, please do so, this helps others find the show who may enjoy it. If you do leave a review, send me a screenshot of that either by DM on Instagram at Kim.A.Flodin at [email protected] and I'll send you a downloadable copy of one of my favorite and popular coloring books, How Do I Love You? Color the Ways.
Kim A. Flodin
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