This week is all about believing that you can do it (and you know exactly what ‘that’ is!) You’ve got to believe in yourself and your ability to make something happen for you, even it it’s just putting a toe in the water, so to speak.
If you make even the slightest move towards your dreams this week (especially the beginning of this week while we are still under the powerful influence of Sunday’s full moon), you will see things start to shift… the shifts will be relative to how big of a leap you make this week! Little leap, little shifts… big leap, big shifts… do what feels comfortable for you. As we shift into midweek, the frenetic and fun energy of all that fades away with a burst of stillness and insight (can you have a burst of stillness and insight? Yes! Indeed! And it can happen at any moment.. anywhere.. anytime. You might be washing dishes, or traveling the car on a familiar route, or in the shower or just before you fall asleep… listen, it is there. Your intuition is coming alive and guiding you on what to do next to make your dreams come true. Trust it when it comes.
The end of the week is about alignment and unity.
What are you resisting that just keeps persisting? Can you try another way? (I’m betting that you can!) Be kind to yourself, put down your imaginary shields and swords and take in all the ways you are connected… to those you love, to the planet, to your family, to your environment, to nature… so many ways when we start to really pay attention. This is a time of remembrance and reminding to you that you are important part of a big whole and it’s okay (and recommended) to shine! Believe in what this art says: You are awesome! Have a fantastic week. ********* The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! If you've been thinking about trying out the Coloring Book Clubhouse, there's no time like the present! I'm offering a 3 for 1 month deal to the first 10 people who join before November 28! Come on over! You won't believe the support, transformation, fun, and magic we have over there! If you wish you had friends who really care and support you... you will find us there! Click here!
This week is all about noticing and focusing on what’s going right in your life and taking time to really be grateful for what you have.
So often, we fixate on what’s going wrong, or not right, and worry about what we can do to change that or fix it… which reminds me of one of my favorite statements: What you focus on grows and what you resist, persists!
So, what are you focusing on? There’s always something that floats around the mind which can bring us worry and anxiety, but when you look at those thoughts, can you see that they have shown up hundreds, if not thousands, of times before and life has continued to go on? It’s true… those pesky, worry-inducing and anxiety-producing thoughts get a lot bigger when we focus on them, so the next time that old, familiar (and scary) thought shows up try saying this (or something like it) to it: “Hey, thanks for mentioning that! I’m very aware of what’s going on and you don’t have to bring it up again.” Hopefully the part of your mind that keeps coming up with the scary stuff will relax and take a break. You can use this statement over and over again. Another thing you can do this week, is to literally list what you’re grateful for at the end of the every day and also what you have accomplished. Be kind and celebrate yourself! (Up your gratitude and accomplishment game by joining and participating in my new Facebook Group called, “What’s Going Right Today!”)
If you really want to have fun this week, be brave and try something new… go outside your comfort zone a little bit and see what happens… you might really be surprised at what can shift when you allow yourself to think outside the box!
And, no matter what, don’t forget to believe in yourself! Believe that you can succeed and do well, and now is a great time to take some time to imagine your dreams coming true - because you are powerful, you are worthy, you are enough, and you deserve your dreams to come true as much as anyone on the planet! Lastly, remember love rules and be kind to yourself… one o f the easiest and best ways you can do that is to look at where you can simplify and let go of what no longer serves you… whether it’s grudges, sad thoughts, judgments, or literally excess ‘stuff’ in your life… clean your closets (the ones in your mind and the ones in your house) and focus on what’s really important. Know that it’s okay to let go and the timing is exactly right. It’s a lovely week, with so much potential for being grateful, letting go, and believing in yourself! You've got this! (And, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating that holiday this week!) ********* The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month!
The week starts with reaping our harvest, moving joyfully and being open to something new! ![]()
Autumn is a lovely time of year and in this hemisphere it is also the season of harvest… consider the beginning of this week as your time of harvest as well!
This could look like a lot of different things happening, perhaps a project or plan you’ve been working on is finally coming to completion, or you finally have time to make a project or a plan, or maybe you’re learning something new that will help you plant new seeds… whatever it is, welcome it and be thankful for the abundance it brings, whether as new ideas, friends, family, love, wealth, health or more. Midweek is about movement… literally. Like get up and get going. It’s time to move the body and exercise. You are becoming stronger and your body wants to keep up with you, so honor it by moving and exercising and providing it with the support it needs to feel good! And, be sure to make all of this fun… never should yourself about exercise or diet, do it because you love and honor yourself, okay?
The end of the week brings us the opportunity to be open to fresh starts and new beginnings! Watch for fun things to show up now that may surprise you with how amazing it truly is in just a few months time!
Be aware that what you start now has a powerful chance to succeed. It’s a short and sweet report for a week that should be pretty amazing, things are coming your way, just keep moving and look forward to what’s new for you! Have a beautiful week! The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month!
Be brave this week and watch your world change.
Has life just been go, go, go lately? Are you finding yourself out among the people, doing things and going places? Or have you been hiding out a bit from life? Staying in? Embracing your hermit side maybe just a little too much?
Either is okay, and we all have our preferences between being extroverted and introverted, but now is the time to find a balance between being with community and being with yourself in however that feels for you. Note any tendencies to avoid what you need to deal with by either immersing yourself in the world of others or of hiding out in your own contemplative world. Again, both are great... but too much of either creates an imbalance within and without. Balance is about finding where it feels best to be at any given time with clarity and purpose. If you’re using friends and family to hide out from what you need to look at, or if you're just plain hiding out on your own, please know that this week provides you with the energy needed to find just the right balance of social and solitude. One last thing about that... don’t be afraid to take some risks this week in terms of your personal comfort zones... try something new... say yes to something or say no to something you usually say yes to. Be true to what you want to do, but also push yourself outside your comfort zone, and you may very well find something there that you’ve been wondering about or looking for.
Midweek is about completion. A cycle has finished of is very close to finishing for you... which means there is no more growth or even benefit from hanging on to what has been, or the old energy. As a matter a fact, hanging on at this time will only serve to create obstacles down the road, so do what you need to do this week (especially midweek) to close this cycle (and you know what that is) now, so you can move on to new possibilities and potential in your life.
This may feel or sound scary right now, but please know that when something.. anything (a project, a relationship, a life situation) is completed, it’s a time of celebration... it’s a time to honor what has been, and look forward to what new forms will come from the future. It’s time to reap your harvest and enjoy what you have sown. You may also need to mourn, but the focus here is on celebration for whatever it is that is over. If you frame your grief that way, it becomes a different experience... more about gratitude, laughter, and amazement than loss, pain, and suffering. After the clearing of the week, we find ourselves looking at many paths, as the week comes to an end. This means that if we have done our work earlier, we find ourselves looking at many and new opportunities now. The challenge is to have to courage to be bold and step off the paths you feel comfortable on and take a chance on something new. There is a reason it’s called ‘the beaten path’... it’s been walked so many times that it’s worn out. That is not the path you want right now... you are being called to take the path less are being called toward uncharted territories. How exciting is that? Not only that, it’s safe and advised for you to make your move now... you’ve literally outgrown your current situation and it’s time to step outside your comfort zone. You can do this! Trust yourself and trust life to take you somewhere new and amazing! It’s a big week... really all about getting real with yourself and where you’re at in your life. It’s a week that requires you to believe in your courage. But if you do, you will find things opening up for you in ways you never expected and things clearing out that you no longer need. This is a beautifully supportive week... we are called to find balance, to complete what we know is done, and move out of our comfort zone towards what is new and supportive (and maybe a little scary) This all takes incredible personal courage! ********* P.S. If your fears are keeping you from making change happen in your life, I can help you find your inner Superwoman... The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! |
Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.