Engage with the energy this week and you may see learn some new things and experience some amazing results.
It’s a great week to take a look at your family...all aspects of that.
You might want to delve into your family history or get answers to stories you’ve heard about your family. Do a little research, ask questions of those you can ask. Think about your ancestors… where did your parents, grandparents, great grandparents come from? How does this affect you and your life? What hardships did they endure to get where they got to? Take a moment to sit with this and the fact that you are here on the planet right here right now because of so many brave and amazing people who came before you! It’s sort of mind blowing, right? It’s also a reminder that your present may be affected right now by the past… do you need to let go of something? Clear something? Say goodbye so you can move forward? There’s no better time to do that than right now. As we move into midweek, the focus is on teamwork. Is there something you’ve been trying to accomplish on your own that you could use a little with? Now is the time to ask for help and be ready and willing to receive it. There’s an African saying which says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” That is perfect advice for right now.”
You want to go far, so go together… ask for help, be open to receiving it in any form and watch things start to really shift in your life when you come together as a team. Teamwork can be so satisfying… fun and a great learning experience!
The weekend highlights change. The changes you are experiencing are for the positive. Sometimes change can seem very scary and challenging, other times it can be exhilarating and exciting… no matter what it’s looking for you right now, know that the changes that are happening (even it doesn’t look or feel like it right now) are actually positive and supportive for you in the long run! (which is great news, really!) Stay focused and remember that any changes happening right now are for the best and are ushering you into a new life! Support yourself during this time of change with good self care… make sure you’re getting adequate rest, good water and food, and time to play, color and relax! And share with friends and family if that helps you! (This is a great week for it since we also have focus on family and teamwork). This is a lovely week… we look at family and everything that surrounds that… the good and the bad, we receive through teamwork and may see the resolution of something we’ve been trying to finish for a long time and the weekend brings us the power of change and knowing that it’s for the best, so you can relax. The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! DOWNLOAD ANY BOOK AND PAY WHAT YOU WANT!
You’re being called up this week, and if you answer the call,
you’ll discover you’re stronger than you think!
It’s all about connecting the heart with everything else this week. Just look at those colors this week... they signify opening up that channel between your compassion, empathy, courage and power.
This week is not for sissies! This week is about getting real with yourself and dealing with shit that you may have been avoiding or putting off or even pretending it doesn’t exist. (You know what I’m talking about, right?) Basically Monday through Thursday is all about cleaning house. Your house, as in YOU! It’s time to laugh at those freaking demons that you’ve been allowing in, face your shadow and clean it up! How can you tell it’s time to make these move? Because in some areas, you feel stuck and that can manifest in your life like this:
If any of that sounds familiar, good news! Now is the time to take care of it! Yay! When we face our shadow side, it means taking responsibility for all the ways you are sabotaging yourself, such as jealousy, selfishness, aggression, suspicion, abuse, manipulation... all those icky type of things. It’s a great time to look at how you can be a whole lot kinder to your future self. It’s also about being disciplined and in integrity with yourself, which looks like keeping the promises you’ve made...especially to yourself.
“Integrity is the harmony between intention, word and action.” Alana Fairchild
Action is key! You know what you want to do and only you can do it, take just one step towards that this week and your whole like could change. Once you’ve got your shadow under control, take it up a notch midweek by laughing at your demons! That means taking a genuine inventory of everywhere you feel stuck and realizing it’s just a story and could change in an instant (bonus points if you start dreaming about those instances of change)! Just recognize that things are not as ‘permanent’ or ‘out of our control’ as we think, start envisioning new endings, and you just might have a pleasant surprise! Okay, after all that intensity, you should be ready to stand tall and embrace your power! It’s all about making choices that support where you want to go and again, I remind you to set a beautiful path for your future self... she’s sure to thank you down the road. Like stated earlier, this week is not for sissies... but if you can commit to laughing at your demons and facing your shadow to clear out where you are stuck, you WILL have no problem embracing your power. So go for it! Make some choices to set yourself up for success. You can do it! I believe in you. The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! DOWNLOAD ANY BOOK AND PAY WHAT YOU WANT! Make that Decision, Take Some Time to Simplify, and Enjoy Your Wishes Which Are Coming True!10/12/2018
Make some moves this week and watch your wishes start to come true!
You know that thing you’ve been thinking about and wondering about and sort of not really wanting to deal with? Yeah, that thing. Guess what? Now is the time to not only deal with it but for you to truly make a decision... and believe in yourself when you do.
The really good news is that once you make that decision and stick with it, it will act like a big green light for you to move forward in your life! So that’s exciting and you might even find that helpful to know when it comes down to making the decision that is begging to be made. (Some of you will know exactly what I’m talking about and you’ll even know deep down what is the right decision. If you don’t know, just pay attention especially during Monday and Tuesday and I think you might just see the choice and which one is right for you.) Moving into the middle of the week, we shift into a space of simplifying your life. What can you let go of (and this can be things like thoughts, beliefs, or maybe even commitments or people, plus actual things that are no longer serving you, your path and your life. Now is the time to take an honest inventory and let things go! Clean up and clean out closets, cupboards, your car, your desk, anywhere that there is clutter and that needs tidying. You will feel so amazing to have things gone and organized! And, clean up your schedule... you’re probably spread way too thin. Say NO when you really want to say NO and give yourself time to recharge your batteries and regain some of your zest for life. (If you have problems saying NO, let me know, I can help you with that and putting yourself first.) The weekend is lovely. The energy is soft, supportive and could be surprising because it’s a time that right for your dreams to come true! How awesome is that?!?! What your heart has been longing for is getting closer every minute and you may very well see some proof of that this Friday, Saturday or Sunday!
Definitely be open to what comes and remember that sometimes wishes show up differently than we expected, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a good thing, we just might have to make some adjustments.
Either way, if anything exciting happens, let me know or share in The Coloring Book Clubhouse group on Facebook... the possibilities are endless and things are looking good for you this weekend! It’s an interesting week... we are supported in making a decision, then we get to clear out our crap literally and figuratively and by the weekend we can look forward to wishes coming true. Sounds good to me! And I hope it sounds good to you, too. Have a great week. Be kind to yourself!
The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month!
DOWNLOAD ANY BOOK AND PAY WHAT YOU WANT! It’s a Great Time to Think about Doing a Detox, Cleansing or Clearing for you Mind and/or Your Body10/7/2018 The focus is on cleaning and cleansing this week!
Have you been feeling stuck? Sluggish? Slow? Like things are just taking forever? Or like things (or you) are backed up? It’s time to consider a cleanse or clearing for your mind, body and soul. One easy way to do that and release energy is to color with your non-dominant hand, especially if you’re releasing anger or deep sadness. You can also just color a picture (like the mandala here) with the intention of cleansing and clearing. Of course you can also do dietary cleanses, listen to energy cleansing and balancing music, have a hands-on or long-distance Reiki healing treatment, meditate, go to yoga, exercise, get out in nature, take a mental health day, take an Epsom salt bath, do a ceremony or whatever feels right to you as a detox/cleansing action. Just do something to help you get free of old, stuck, negative and sometimes toxic energy. Midweek focuses on clearing and cleansing your chakras, which are the seven energy centers in the body that line up with the colors of the rainbow and also your endocrine system. They are like links in a chain and if one is out of balance, it affects the balance everywhere. (I’m designing a class for balancing and healing your chakras using color, coloring and music....coming soon.) The week ends with the chance to let go of your anxiety (another form of stress that is toxic to the body). When you can calm yourself, you’re able to hear true wisdom and deep intuition. ![]()
Be mindful of what you can do for yourself to reduce your anxiety, I’ve had great results with various breathing techniques including Wim Hof and Buteyko Breathing.
It’s amazing how calm the mind can become when we are focused on our breath. Do a little research and see what works best for you! (If you want to talk more about this, I’ve been using breathwork as a support tool for over 10 years and would love to share what I know with you!) Most of all, have a beautiful week! The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! DOWNLOAD ANY BOOK AND PAY WHAT YOU WANT! |
Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.