When you take the time to listen, it’s surprising
what you might hear.
This week is all about your heart and what it’s saying. The heart speaks through your body and your mind and all you need to do is tune in and listen.
How can you tell if it’s the language of the heart you’re hearing? It will be expansive, inclusive, loving, kind, grateful, wise, gentle, present, peaceful, generous, funny, optimistic, and patient. When you’re listening to the mind, it sounds and feels pinched, pointed, planning, plotting, hurrying, tight, restrictive, judging, unkind, stingy, mean, narrow, limited, hurried, fearful, in the future, pessimistic, manipulative and overall not fun! So, as the week begins, take some time to stop. Just stop and tune into your environment. Let your heart speak to you. You might help it along by taking the time to notice what you’re grateful for... gratitude primes the heart’s pump every time. Keep an attitude of gratitude and you will naturally line up with the of messages of your heart. As we move into midweek, continue to uplift your thoughts and keep them in alignment with your beautiful heart. Keep finding the blessings and all the good surrounding you and you might surprised at what can shift... you might find yourself feeling better than you have in a long time! Anything is possible! The week ends on a beautiful note with a very strong vibe of wishes coming true. Don’t you just love that? Align with your heart and good things happen. Stay in gratitude and good things show up. You can do this.
If you’re coloring the picture this week, the colors are all about the heart...greens with a little bit of blue thrown in.
Green is the color of the heart! It’s true! The heart is the 4th chakra out of seven in the body. The chakras are each represented by the colors of the rainbow and the heart’s color is green. If you continue up to the throat chakra, which is the 5th chakra, it is blue. So if you color this picture with these colors, it will be very healing for your heart and your throat areas. You may find yourself intuitively hearing or speaking some real truths after coloring this heart. If you don’t have the full kit and would like it, you can have it delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! REMINDER: Don’t forget THE CONTEST....get your entries (from last week’s Kit) into my Facebook group: The Coloring Book Coach Group! See you there (and I can’t wait to see your colors!) Contest closes September 15! See details below: CONTEST INFO: You can Win a Month in The Coloring Book Clubhouse, A 15- Minute Intuitive Card Reading with Me plus, Choose Any Book (or 2 Coloring Packs) from my Etsy Store! Plus your palette will be featured in an Upcoming Colors of the Week Kit and I will analyze your color choices for you in the Coloring Book Coach Group! To Enter: 1. Download the Colors of Your Week Coloring Kit from Sunday, August 26, 2018 at KelekiLove.com (if you don’t have it) 2. Choose the Five Colors You Feel You Resonate with this Week to Color the Picture 3. Color in the Palette with Your Five Colors 4. Color in the picture “I am Enough” with the Same Colors 5. Post your Picture in The Coloring Book Coach Coloring Group on Facebook by September 15, 2018 (and I’d love to hear why you chose the colors you did and what they mean to you, if you want to share!) Winner chosen randomly on September 17, 2018 *Current Clubhouse members Prize Package is: 30 Minute Private Color Along with Me or a 15- Minute Intuitive Card Reading, plus a One of a Kind Coloring Sheet Created Just for You! Plus your palette will be featured in an Upcoming Colors of the Week Kit and I will analyze your color choices for you in the Coloring Book Coach Group! Pay What You Want for Any Book!
This week is about Standing Up and Being You. All week long and then hopefully for a lot longer than that!
Download the Entire Kit This Week & See Contest Info Below!
This is not your normal Colors of Your Week Report. This week is different, this week has one message and one message only and it’s coming from behind us (literally).
I’m talking about our ancestors, particularly the women in your lineage. This week is about honoring them and yourself for everything that needed to be lived through to bring you to this moment in time! My sister has been researching our family genealogy for a long time, and in her last couple of years she discovered that on my mom’s side of the family, we come from immense wealth – sadly no one knows where the cash ended up, but it was there at one time – and witchcraft. No lie. My 4x Great Grandma was a millionaire many times over in the 1800’s! My 6x Great Grandma was one of the first women imprisoned for witchcraft in Salem, MA back in the day. She served seven months when she was 70! Can you say bad-ass? There is a long line of bad-ass warrior women standing behind me, and I’m 100% sure that you’ve got your own collection of bad-ass warrior women standing behind you. It’s a good week to give thanks to our ancestors, for the choices they made that allow us the choices before us. This week is the time to align with the warriors who came before you and who made it possible or you to be you. If they could speak, I feel that this is what they would say: “You didn’t come all this way to not stand tall, to not be yourself. You have the power of many strong generations standing behind you. You can do anything. You can be anyone. You are a warrior bad-ass with a long line of warrior bad-asses backing you. Act like it. If you can’t act like it, fake it till you make it. Remember, you’re one of a kind; you deserve the best; there’s absolutely nothing wrong with believing in yourself 100%, and if that’s hard to do, remember the warrior women (and men) who literally exist in your DNA and who have your back. Don’t let your ancestors down. Don’t let yourself down. You matter. You are important. You wouldn’t be on the planet if that wasn’t true!” It’s taken a lot for you to even be here right now. A LOT HAD TO GO RIGHT! That alone should blow your mind.
You are enough. You’re awesome. You’re amazing and it’s OK to act like it.
You choose the colors this week! (and be sure to enter your palette and art in the contest – details below!) DON’T MISS THE CONTEST! You can Win a Month in The Coloring Book Clubhouse, A 15- Minute Intuitive Card Reading with Me plus, Choose Any Book (or 2 Coloring Packs) from my Etsy Store! Plus your palette will be featured in an Upcoming Colors of the Week Kit and I will analyze your color choices for you in the Coloring Book Coach Group! To Enter: 1. Download the Colors of Your Week Coloring Kit here (see link above) 2. Choose the Five Colors You Feel You Resonate with this Week to Color the Picture 3. Color in the Palette with Your Five Colors 4. Color in the picture “I am Enough” with the Same Colors 5. Post your Picture in The Coloring Book Coach Coloring Group on Facebook by September 15, 2018 (and I’d love to hear why you chose the colors you did and what they mean to you, if you want to share!) Winner chosen randomly on September 17, 2018 *Current Clubhouse members Prize Package is: 30 Minute Private Color Along with Me or a 15- Minute Intuitive Card Reading, plus a One of a Kind Coloring Sheet Created Just for You! And, your palette will be featured in an Upcoming Colors of the Week Kit and I will analyze your color choices for you in the Coloring Book Coach Group! Pay What You Want for Any Book!It’s a big day and I NEED YOUR HELP!
I’m sharing something today that I’ve been thinking about doing for a LONG time… starting my own podcast. I’ve got the name and logo ready to go and even have a couple rough episodes recorded, but I want and need YOUR OPINION. The podcast is about those “How In The Hell Did I Get Here?” moments in life and will feature me sharing tons of funny, amazing, magical, crazy, unbelievable-but-true stories from my own life, and also featuring guests from time-to-time who will share their own interesting “How In The Hell Did I Get Here?” tales. If you know me personally, you’ve probably heard a few of my crazy stories…
“Go for the story.” has been my life motto from a very young age. (You’d be surprised at what you can live through if you can see your way clear to telling the story to someone after the fact.) Now I need your help and honest feedback.
Xo, Kim It’s all happening for you this week!Check out the colors and the art for this week! It’s a week all about getting a little zip back in your life and giving life a big, old wet and sloppy kiss for showing up for you! If you have no idea what in the hell that means, that’s okay... keep reading! This week is all about aligning with the juice in life... if you’ve had areas of your life that feel like a desert wasteland - dry, uninteresting, brittle, and dull - and you’ve sort of given up hope, give up no more. Now is the time to get a little crazy... be bold, be interesting, be yourself, and don’t give a damn what anyone else says or might think! It’s your life and it’s time to reclaim it! Life is calling you to jump in and find the adventure and expand your experiences.
This is not the week to be a shrinking violet. This is a week to say YES! to whatever might come your way that feels a little scintillating, a little scary, maybe even a little bit ‘out there’ or possibly even a little ‘naughty’! It could be anything... even something as simple as sneaking away for a 20 minute nap in the middle of the day when you are the person who would NEVER do that. This week be open to being the person who just might do or try anything! While you’re doing all that... remember to move your body! Go for a walk, a swim, a run, roller skate, bike, hike, dance, jump, stretch, and twirl this week. Move with the rhythms of life. Listen for reasons to move it and shake it. Movement leads to joy and joy to gratitude, which is the secret sauce for life. Don’t be surprised if maybe this week you find a new hobby or learn a new skill, there are so many opportunities for a fun and supportive changes this week. Keep your heart and mind open, if you hear an inner voice suggesting something you normally wouldn’t do (but sort of secretly always wanted to), go for it! See what happens! Mostly, focus on fun this week and what makes your life feel fulfilled, take time to indulge yourself, be kind to yourself, and maybe look at some of the silly things you’ve believed that might have kept you from LIVING and LOVING your life. Maybe you’re ready to let go of some of those things now. Be brave and bold! You deserve that for yourself! Have a great and colorful week! P.S. If all this sounds like way too much, but you still really do want to have more excitment in your life, let's chat! If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with the palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A supportive podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! This Week’s Themes are: Focusing on Faith, Celebrating Your Joy, and Facing Your Demons As the week starts off, we are reminded to have faith... lean into the soft violet on the palate and trust that even though you may not have all the details, all is well. Now is also a great time to remind yourself that you can never have all the details, and you will never know all the details, as there is a power greater than you who is creating this map we call life. Have faith that that power knows exactly what it is doing and by doing so, you will also find peace. Now is not the time for self pity, judgment or resentment. Now is the time to align with what is and accept that what is happening is happening. It may make no sense or a lot of sense... either way, your job is to keep the faith that everything is happening exactly as it should. After all, could there be another way? No, not really. After that little test of your faith on Monday and Tuesday, by Wednesday and Thursday you’ll be ready to and will be able to express your joy! Isn’t that wonderful? It’s a marvelous time to align with your inner child and have some serious fun! Just get out there and have a good time. Laugh, sing, dance, color, get crazy, call someone you love to laugh with, hang out with good people, and most of all FOCUS ON WHAT’S GOING RIGHT AND ALL THE GOOD IN YOUR LIFE. When you do that, the universe just loves to keep it coming! Stay in the joy vibe and enjoy the hell out of your life right here, right now.
And, I can hear some of you grumbling that there’s nothing worth being joyful about... and I challenge you to change your perspective, even just a little bit, and find at least three good things that are going right in your life right here, right now! You can do it! After all that exuberance, we move into the weekend ready to take responsibility for ourselves, our lives, our relationships and more. We are ready to face what we’ve been studiously avoiding about ourselves that doesn’t serve or support us. It’s time to look at those areas of our life that might need some serious attention. Has selfishness, laziness, jealousy, suspicion, manipulation, intimidation, abuse or aggression been a part of your playlist in the past? (There’s not one of us that doesn’t give align with these types of things from time to time, after all, we are human.) Now is your chance to make some changes and make some amends (firstly to yourself, of course!) and then to any others who might need them. Mostly it’s a powerful time to face your shadows and make some truly positive and supportive changes for your life. That’s exciting! You have the power right now to step towards some constructive modifications in your life. Don’t be afraid to face your demons. You’re a powerful being and you deserve the best! Go for it! It’s an interesting week... we get a chance to look at our faith and how we can allow and trust something greater than us to be in charge, then we move into the affirming energy of joy, joy, joy during midweek, and end with taking a sort of moral inventory within an openness to change what hasn’t been serving us! Powerful stuff! Let me know how you go and if you need any guidance or have a question, be sure to reach out! You can chat with me (The Coloring Book Coach) anytime with a free get-to-know you 15 minute call if you’ve never worked with me before. Have a great week, cutie! Stay steady and trust your process this week. You’ve got this. The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with the palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A supportive podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! This week is a great time to take a look at some lifestyle changes... it might be time to change to a more healthful diet, maybe focus on getting better sleep and also add or change up your exercise routine to most support you in an optimal lifestyle for you. If you’ve been thinking about making a change concerning your health, consider this message your thumbs up! This theme continues somewhat into midweek, with a reminder to spend some time outside. Just sitting in the grass in your bare feet can be very healing and of course, sunshine and fresh air do just about anyone a world of good! So, if you feel drawn to be outdoors during the middle of the week, listen to that internal nudge and head outside! As the week ends, you may be very aware of how helpful you are and have been to others... it’s very possible that counseling others comes naturally to you and you’ve been able to guide and help those who are drawn to you. If you align with this message, please take a moment and acknowledge your beautiful gift... the gift of helping others find clarity and honor this part of you. You are a valuable resource on the planet and it’s very important not to ever forget that. It’s a very straight-forward week: Examine and maybe change some things in your life to improve your health. Head outside! And honor yourself for all you’ve done to help others. You’re amazing! Have a beautiful week! The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse.
If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with the palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A supportive podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! Focus on the Positive, Pay Attention to Supportive Signs and Take Some Time for Yourself This Week!8/2/2018 Ha! This week continues some of the themes we focused on last week! The week starts off with a reminder to be and stay positive! Remember that what you think and say can have a powerful effect in your life. Thoughts and speech are simply forms of energy when you think about it and you have the power to control the vibe of the energy you’re putting out. This has been said here before, but what you focus on, grows and what you resist, persists. So... what are you focusing on? Is it all the good stuff or are you obsessed with only what’s going on wrong? Are you focusing on what’s important to you or are you resisting and feeling miserable?
Shift your perception to the positive and you can shift your life! The great thing about doing this this week is that midweek the energy is ripe for you to receive a clear sign from heaven! Don’t you love that? Pay attention Tuesday and Wednesday for signs and symbols that mean something to you! And, be aware that your loved ones in Heaven may be saying hello and sending reassuring signs. This could be a very fun and interesting couple of days if you really open yourself to seeing the signs, symbols, and support all around you The weekend is a great time to just take some time for yourself. Do a little coloring or anything you love doing that makes you feel good! Nurture yourself, honor yourself, respect yourself ,and focus on loving yourself up! You deserve it and it’s a great time to take a break and do what feels good and fun for you! Watch any tendencies now to acquiesce or give your power away! This is your time! Be true to you! You know what you really do or don’t want to do... honor that! If you don’t, you’re on the fast track for being miserable... which is the result of putting ourselves second and ignoring our desires. If saying no is hard for you and you need a little help, check out this blog post which gives you 25 ways to say no and remember that saying No to someone else or something else, is actually a Yes to you! P.S. If saying no to someone makes you break out in a cold sweat, let's chat! Email me at [email protected] The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with the palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A supportive podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! |
Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.