Isn’t it about time that you stop messing around and get real about just how amazing you truly are? Isn’t about time to stop hiding your light and instead, get out there and shine it where it can be seen? Isn’t it about time to understand that you’re unique, delightful and deserving? This is your week, cutie! Everything that’s happening this week is about supporting you and your dreams, all it takes is the understanding that you are fucking amazing and you deserve good things! As we start off the week on Monday and Tuesday, we are reminded to align ourselves with the magic. What exactly is “the magic”? The magic is when we pay attention to life with the wonder of a child, believing that anything and everything is truly possible and understanding that all the clues we need are being presented to us through our environment. If you want to experience the magic... spend some time in nature... even if all you can do is open a window and look at the sky or sit with a plant and just start to clue into your environment. Pay attention! Nature and life provides a constant feedback loop that we were all very aware of as children and is still available to you today when you are able to slow down and focus on where you are. Just look, listen, breathe, and relax and see what shows up. Maybe you’ll see a butterfly or a bird or a colorful flower. Maybe a cloud will form into a heart or something meaningful to you. Magic is all around... you just have to believe and pay attention. (If you’ve forgotten how to see the magic, let’s have a chat... sometimes all you need is a clear reminder!) That’s just Monday and Tuesday! If you take a little time to find the magic then, you’re going to have an even better time on Wednesday/Thursday in experiencing the abundance all around you. Look at all the ways you’re supported! (If you’re mind immediately went to all the ways you’re NOT supported, let’s chat, cutie!) Are you sitting down? You’re being supported by the chair! Are you standing up? You’re being supported by the floor! Are you falling down? The floor is there for you! It’s pretty amazing! Start noticing all the abundance already supporting you and all that can happen is more of that will come! (Here’s a little secret: What you focus on, grows and what you resists, persists. So, if you’re focusing on what you don’t have, you’re sure to get more of that.) Shake it up and focus on what you do have and how much of it. Like attracts like, cutie. The weekend holds the best news of all and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you. Introducing Archangel Michael who is at your service and here to help. Archangel Michael is and has been one of my very best friends for a very long time and I can honestly say there would be no Coloring Book Coach or coloring books without him. What does this mean for you? You have the chance to align yourself with a benevolent energy who only wants the very best for you. Archangel Michael is there for everyone who asks him for help. He is the angel of protection and security and is the perfect one to call on if you are scared, anxious, worried or confused. He would have no trouble agreeing with this week’s coloring sheet that you are indeed, F-ing Awesome! Did I mention that he also has a great sense of humor? When you call in and work with Archangel Michael, magic and abundance (the other two themes for this week) are easily seen. He loves to delight and listen to your laughter. He genuinely cares about your well-being and happiness. Call on him anytime you feel challenged or afraid. The color aligned with him is sapphire blue, so you may also want to color a picture in all blues if you’re anxious, scared, challenged, confused or feeling abandoned. Don’t be afraid to share all your concerns with AAM, as I like to call him, he’s there to listen, guide and help and he’s there for everyone and never too busy for anyone. (If you work with AAM or would like to learn more about him and aligning with him, let me know!) In case you’ve never heard of Archangel Michael, you can read more about him here. It’s an extraordinary week and you’re an extraordinary human! Get out there and immerse yourself in the magic, abundance and loving support of Archangel Michael this week! Color this week's fun artwork from the encouraging book, I Fucking Love Myself! The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with the palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A new podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today!
Exciting Week Ahead: All About Possibilities, Loving Yourself Up, and Taking Care of Business!6/24/2018 Let’s start this week off by thinking about possibilities! They are limitless at all times.. even when you’re convinced that’s not the case. The time is right now for some crazy out-of-the-box thinking. If you’re dealing with something that you’re convinced there’s just no answer to, or you just have no idea how it can or will resolve, now is the time to turn that problem over to the universe and be open to what shows up. You just may be surprised. One of the best ways I know of to get out of your own way when is to ask yourself this question: What else is possible? (and just leave it out there while you watch/wait for answers). That question alone is enough to cause a shift if you allow it to.
Midweek is all about you and your relationship to yourself. The color palette this week is a reminder to be soft and gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like someone worth of love, affection, respect, honor and value... because of course, YOU ARE! Allow the soft tones of the palette to comfort you and provide introspection as you color this week’s art. And be open for any interesting possibilities which show up! The energy of the weekend is fierce, clear and energetic. Don’t be surprised if you tackle a job or something that you thought you may never get to... it will get done and more and you might even be delighted in how things play out! By the end of the week, you’ll be taking care of business. Is there something you’ve been avoiding tackling? Something that you weren’t quite sure how to handle? Something that’s been causing you a little or a lot of stress? Not to worry, by the time the weekend rolls around, you’ll be ready to take on what needs taking on. All in all, this is a week with a lot of potential for movement, self care and wrapping things up that you thought may not ever be wrapped up, which is pretty damn exciting! It’s a fun week... just remember to keep asking yourself, “What else is possible?” and then enjoy what happens next! P.S. If you love this week's artwork and want to color it, it's from Fun & Fanciful Mandalas and you can Pay What You Want from $1.99 for the whole book, which has 32 inspiring pages! Grab it now! The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse (Where There's Always Someone Who Cares)... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! The week begins with an emphasis on the earth’s energy. It’s easy to forget that the earth is a living entity and when it goes through shifts and transitions, we may feel this. Particularly if you are in touch with your intuition. If you’ve been feeling forgetful, tired, cranky or just out of sorts, you may be aligned with what’s happening on the planet. You may want to spend some time in Mother Nature, even it’s just something as simple as taking a few minutes to sit in the sunshine and take a moment or two to align with the energy of the planet and see what might come up for you. As we move into midweek, it’s time to do some problem solving. Is there something you’ve been having trouble figuring out or getting a hold of mentally? Take a moment now to look at this from another angle and break it down into small pieces which are easy to understand. Once you’ve done this, it’s easier to take the first step towards resolution. And, remember, you can only ever go one step at a time... the key is to just keep moving forward. The weekend comes with a focus on family. It’s a great time to appreciate and be in gratitude for your family (and you may or may not be related to them!) and recognize their love and support of who you are as a being on the planet. They really get you!
If you’re moved to do so, let them know how much you appreciate their love and support... it’s the perfect time to do this! If you find yourself on the outs with a family member, there’s no time like right now to find the love within you and let the past go. In reality, it’s already gone, and the person you love is standing right in front of you... don’t miss out on that! It’s a beautiful and supportive week, we start by aligning with Mother Earth and then we take the first step to solving a problem which has had us stuck, and we end up with a focus on family. Beautiful. Enjoy the week! P.S. If you love this week's artwork and want to color it, you can Pay What You Want from $1.99 For Get Coloring Get Happy, which has 32 inspiring pages! Grab it now! The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A new podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! Don’t you just love the artwork for this week and the message? That’s truly the theme for this week... provide yourself with what more of what makes YOU happy! Yes You! We start off with a big reminder to LET GO! I don’t think I have to tell you what needs letting go of, most likely something has already occurred to you. Letting go can be scary, I get it, but it can also be liberating, exhilarating and eye opening! Sometimes the only way to resolve something is just walk away. You can do this! You deserve to be happy! Having moved through the support and suggestion and hopefully the action of letting go, midweek shows up with options... what’s showing up for you right now? What can you choose from?
There are always more options than we’re really aware of...possibilities are truly endless. It’s a great time now to think outside the box... get creative and let your imagination soar. You may be surprised at where you end up! The weekend slows down with a focus on words, you may read something that answers a question for you. Or you may find yourself writing and an insight appears. Pay attention to words this weekend and the messages they are bringing for you. It could be a song lyric or something you hear in the background on TV. You just never know where the wisdom will show up. It’s a fun week... we have some help letting go of what’s not serving us and being brave and trusting while doing that. Next we’re presented with options! What will you choose? This weekend, is all about words and the wisdom they bring for you! Have fun with all of this this week! And, to any Dads out there reading this, have a great and happy Father’s Day! P.S. If you love this week's artwork and want to color it, you can Pay What You Want for the whole Inspiring Nine-Page Dolphin Coloring Pack! Pay What You Want Right Here! The Colors of the Week Coloring Kit includes supportive colors for each week, as well as a specially designed and intuitively chosen coloring page, and is just one of the fun perks provided for members of The Coloring Book Clubhouse. If you’d like to receive these special reports complete with palette and coloring sheet to support your week, consider joining the Clubhouse... this is just a small sample of all the perks you’ll get for just $11.11 a month or if you’re new, 90 days for $19.99! It’s a great deal! Are you listening to Love Letters The Podcast? A new podcast from The Coloring Book Coach! Short, sweet, inspiring and uplifting messages designed just for you! Tune in and Subscribe Today! |
Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.