The theme for this month, May, 2020 is:
“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.” Joseph Campbell Wow, I love the theme for this month… You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.” which comes from the very wise and wonderful Joseph Campbell… if you don’t know who he is, look him up. So this theme of giving up the life that is planned goes so perfectly with the theme of this year, which is Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be okay. This year, this month, this time is all about letting go, people… just letting go and trusting life. I like to tell people that life is like taking a bus ride in a super comfy bus… with great big windows and lots of interesting stops along the way… and guess what? You never have and never will be driving that bus… you’re not the bus driver, neither am I… we’re all just along for the ride, what matters is is how well you can enjoy the trip. So, you must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you…. This can’t be coming to a shock to most of you by now… if this time of pandemic and quarantine is showing us anything it’s that we are for sure, NOT IN CHARGE. We are not driving the bus! It’s about trusting life and letting life guide you (it always is, actually)… trust that you can let go of the plans and that the bus driver knows what’s going on so you don’t have to… see what happens when you do and find the life that is waiting for you. Your Tool for the month is to just play with the concept of letting your plans go and trusting that it will lead to the life that is waiting for you. Do some journal writing about what it looks like and feels like to let go of what you thought was going to happen and open yourself up to the potential and possibilities of the unknown and see how that feels! Be brave! ![]()
The Theme for Week One of May which is Monday, May 4- Sunday, May 10 is:
We live in a wild, wonderful, and wacky world... and can you believe the shit we’ve believed? - Kim A. Flodin May is coming on strong… I choose these sayings and affirmations completely randomly from a large selection I have and this one just reinforces the monthly theme from Joseph Campbell of: You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you, right? Because its says we live in a wild, wonderful, and wacky world and can you believe the shit we’ve believed? and guess who said that? That would be me. I was talking to some friends who all know they are not driving the bus, like I mentioned, which lead to a discussion of the things we’ve believed that we don’t believe anymore. Have you ever had a discussion like that with your friends? You find out something that you thought was true and then you find out that not only was it not true, your view of it was absolutely not at all what was really happening? It can be a powerful moment when you realize something like that! Depending on what you were believing it can make you laugh or at the far end, give you a pretty big case of cognitive dissonance which can manifest in all sorts of ways… headaches, stomach upset, insomnia, body pains, buzzing sounds, tiredness and more. Changing a big belief can have big consequences! So, if and when you find that happening to yourself, remember to be extra kind to yourself. This is not the time to come down on yourself for what you believed or thought before, this is the time for compassion and good self care. If you're struggling with some beliefs and you’re trying to figure out if they are working for you, I may be able to help as a facilitator for the work of Byron Katie… we can dig in and find out if your belief is supporting you or if maybe you can see it another way… reach out to me at thecoloringbookcoach@gmail.com or send me a DM via Instagram or Facebook! THE TOOL: Find a way to be extra kind to yourself right now… choose just one thing you can do for yourself that feels compassionate, supportive, kind and caring and then do that thing! Maybe it’s taking a walk and looking at the flowers in your neighborhood, maybe it’s calling your best friend from high school and catching up if you haven’t chatted in a while, maybe it’s taking the time to do a little exercise or yoga, maybe find the time to take an Epsom salt bath if you have those available and really soak and let things go. Find one thing this week to do for you. ![]()
The Theme for Week Two of May (Monday, May 11- Sunday, May 17) is:
One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide. Speaking of changing perspectives, how about this beautiful piece of wisdom which was also sidewalk art? Imagine sharing the story with someone in the future about how you coped during a once in a lifetime historic pandemic event! How will you be the heroine of your own story? What is going right? What is supporting you right now? What is making you proud of yourself? How much better can this get? These are all great questions to answer for yourself right now. And, I have a great tool for you this week… did you know that it’s proven that happier emotions truly do make everything better? From test scores to pain responses to better relationships? The happier you can be and are in your thoughts influences your whole life, so the toolkit this month is to take 30 seconds every morning (create a reminder for yourself) and think about something that really made you happy and joyful… even if you find yourself thinking about the same exact event, that’s okay… just get into that memory and how happy you were at the time. One of the memories I go back to is laughing so hard with my sister Erin and my niece Maggie while shopping at a goodwill… I can’t remember what was so funny, but I definitely remember the joyful buoyant feeling of laughing my head off with people I adore. Find your happy, laughy place and spend 30 seconds there each day. And see what happens. ![]()
The Theme for Week Three of May , running from Monday, May 18 to Sunday, May 24 is: Do what you can, when you can, if you can and never beat yourself up for not doing more. - Kim A. Flodin
Have you noticed some people on social media appear to not only being uber productive and up right now and they’re also doing things that they’ve never done before but always wanted to do? Like learning Spanish or how to play the guitar or finally giving in to their urge to paint? Isn’t that wonderful? Maybe you’re one of those people…. And maybe you’re not… maybe you’ve been in the same pair of pajamas for three days in a row and you’re not sure if you’ve brushed your teeth yet today and you just finished your last pint of Cherry Garcia with your last clean fork and you just don’t really feel like doing anything…..isn’t that wonderful? Guess what? It is wonderful, as wonderful as the uber productive person… both are equally wonderful ways to be doing and coping with life right now as well as what falls in between those two places… maybe you’re uber productive today and then you spend a few days in your pjs binge watching Tiger King… seriously it’s ALL GOOD! Why, because it’s what’s happening! You are literally doing what you can, when you can, if you can… and the goal is to never beat yourself up for not doing more. That’s it! So, if you have been beating yourself up and maybe even comparing yourself to those productive people on social media, your tool for the week is to STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. THE TOOL: Print out the words of the meme for this week and hang it around your house and notice anytime your mind is shaming you, shoulding you, pushing you or prodding you… just be aware of what you are doing, what you feel like doing and, do what you can, when you can, if you can and never beat yourself up for not doing more. Have a great week! I believe in you and if you need extra support, send me a DM. ![]()
The Theme for Week Four of May (Monday, May 25- Sunday, May 31) is:
(note, I said the wrong dates in the podcast) Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities – Terry Josephson Yay for the last week of May, I think the word possibilities is one of my most favorite words because ti contains EVERYTHING THERE IS and it’s such an expansive word… if you believe in possibilities, everything is possible! Where are you thinking you can’t, you shouldn’t, you don’t know how? What if you started thinking instead: I can, I should, I might not know how know but I can figure it out! Can you even imagine how your life would and could change by doing that? I think you know where I’m going with this! The tool for this week is to take a look at the limiting self talk you’ve been saying to yourself and flip it around to terms of possibilities instead! Seriously! You might just be shocked at what happens when you release the chains and let yourself open up to what could be… It’s a powerful month… with more than one chance to change your perspective on things and focus on the possibilities out there for you, those you love and the planet! Have a beautiful month! - Join me on Facebook! facebook.com/groups/fallinginlovewithyourself - Follow me on Instagram @kimaflodin or @howinthehellpodcast - Share your love for the show with financial support! https://buymeacoffee/thecoloringbookcoach - Subscribe to my other podcast: How in the HELL Did I Get Here - Our music today comes from the website https://filmmusic.io and is called "Walking Stars - Nostalgic Emotional Piano Underscore" by Rafael Krux (https://www.orchestralis.net/) and is being used under a Creative Commons License CC BY http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.