TRANSCRIBED FROM How to fall in love with yourself TOOLKIT podcast.
So when I was leaning into this month and sensing the energy of where are we going to be at with February of 2020, a few thoughts came to my mind...we're in a leap year, which is really fun because I don't think this is just a leap year. I think February, 2020 is a leap month, but I think this is an entire leap decade because I think we're starting off on something completely new. The 2020 thing is about clarity. We talked about that last month, but I think we have a real chance here now to make some big leaps in 2020. Leaps that will take us through this decade, leaps that will have an effect through the coming decade. It's a big month, so welcome to February of 2020 you have an extra day this month, so let's make sure we use it right. The overall theme for this month is people with good intentions make promises, but people with good character keep them. I think that's pretty self explanatory, actually. I think we have a real opportunity this month, this leap month, to look at where we might be making promises and intentions that we're not keeping and these can be to ourselves. I know that I personally make promises and you know, intentions and I don't show up for myself. So this is the month to do that. If you're doing it with other people. I mean we all do this sometimes where we say something and we don't follow through. I had a situation not too long ago where somebody promised me something and I was so excited about it and then the person just kept not answering me about when we were going to fulfill the promise. And finally, after a few uncomfortable months or maybe a month or so of being really uncomfortable because it was like obviously nothing was happening, I finally went to the person and said, “Hey, you know what? I feel like you made a promise that you really didn't mean to make. So let's just table this for now and leave it be, because that just feels weird.” What happens is if you make a promise to somebody and you don't fulfill that promise and you don't follow through on it, you've created like an energetic loop with the other person. And by not completing your promise, you're leaving energy just kind of dangling out there. And that's what I was feeling with that person... where something was promised and it was promised in a big way and then it didn't happen. And I could just feel the strain of that promise laying out there in the universe. And that's why I chose to go forward and clean it up. So even though the promise was made, to me that's an option. If you have someone who's made a promise to you and they're not coming forward with it and it will feel better to you to let them off the hook. I highly advise that. I highly also advise you to, if you've made promises, follow through on them. And if you can't follow through on them, if it's like, I do this sometimes where I get so over-exuberant that I'm like, Oh yeah, will I'll do X, Y, Z. And then like a half hour later, I'm like, why did I commit myself to this? I don't have the time. I really do want to help this person, but now I'm just pissed off. So in that instance, what I find is the best and most honest thing to do for myself and for the other person is just to get a hold of them and say, “Hey, you know what? I really do want to help you. But I overextended myself when I made that promise to you and let's talk about what I can do that would work better for both of us because I don't want to feel resentful towards you or myself for overextending myself in a moment of exuberance regarding a situation.” So I hope that makes sense. If that doesn't make sense or if you need to talk more about this and how to do it, look me up. You can send me an [email protected]. I would love to chat with you. I chat with anybody for free for 15 minutes. So take advantage of that, people cause I'd love to chat with you. The first week of the month starts on Sunday, February 2nd and runs through the 8th and the theme for that week - that very first week of the month - is big shifts can happen when you open your mind. And that's a quote from me, Actually that is so true. You know there's a great quote from Frank Zappa who says a mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open. You want to have an open mind. You want to have actually have a don't know mind. The more you think you know, the more trouble it causes and the more fixed your viewpoint can become. So this week, watch for those things where you think you're damn sure and maybe give it just a little wiggle room to find out where you might not know. If you can find that space of don't know mind, that's like the child mind and everything can come from there...a lot of creativity, problem solving, relaxation, everything. So big shifts can happen when you open your mind and opening your mind means letting go of what you already thought that you knew. So that's the challenge for this week. Just kind let go of what you think you know and also a tool that you can use this week is start using the thought, what if it's happening for me and not to me? and see if that changes anything. Like if there's any situations happening in your life where you're feeling a little victimized or pissed off or you're just struggling with something, just start thinking about it in the terms of what if it's happening for me, not to me. That could really change everything. Week three starts Sunday, February 9th and ends on Saturday, February 15th. The affirmation and guidance for this week is your wings already exist. All you have to do is believe you can fly. That is also a quote from me and I guess what I'm talking about here is I want you to just think outside your box. I mean we are all so much more than we give ourselves credit for. I'm a Reiki healer and I'm blessed with the ability to be able to sometimes see angels and guides and spirits and communicate with them. And when I get someone on my table, a lot of times their spirit guides and angels and help will show up and you guys wouldn't believe what you look like, at least to me energetically because there's so much more going on to everyone and to the whole world actually then we allow ourselves to see. I'm challenging you this week to just think about it. You know your wings are already there, babe. Just all you have to do is believe you can fly. Start to believe that you're more than you think you are. Because honestly, I know 100% that you are, I've seen it many, many times. So don't believe everything you think and don't believe everything people say to you about you. Find your wings, they already exist. All you have to do is believe you can fly. And I know that you can and flying can be whatever that looks like to you. It's about getting outside your comfort zone, right? That's the tool for this week. Just do one small thing outside your comfort zone. What is that one thing you can do that would just move yourself outside your comfort zone? Even if you just step outside of it for a second. You know that, that thing that you've been thinking, Oh, if I could just have the courage to do that! Just take a step towards it or you know, and see what happens. And then the next day take another step. All you have to do is believe you can fly and just one small step could change your life. So the third week of the month runs from Sunday the 16th and ends on Saturday the 22nd and I love this quote, it's from Mahatma Gandhi. Live your life as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Basically, that’s shorthand for freaking seize the day. People, don't wait! I mean we all know, you never know when your last day's going to be. I mean we just had the whole tragedy with Kobe Bryant, his family and those people in the helicopter. May they all rest in peace, but I know for a fact they did not get on that helicopter thinking that that was going to be it for them. That is true of all of us. And you know, I'm not trying to get morbid or maudlin, but this is reality. People you just never know when you're going to be leaving the planet. So live like you might die tomorrow and learn like you're going to live forever. Really seize the day. The tool that I'm challenging you to use for this week is just learn something new. Do something fun. Also this is a good time to put yourself outside your comfort zone. Don't wait. Seize the freaking day because we just don't know. Wow. We don't, you know, my dad died when I was six years old. He was 28 years old and even though he was ill, I don't think anybody thought that that was going to happen. So just case in point, seize the day. Week four runs from Sunday, February 23rd through that beautiful bonus day, Saturday, February 29th and the theme for this week is: We don't see things the way they are. We see them as we are. And that's a quote from an Anais Nin. This is a kind of goes back to week two where I talked about opening your mind because you know, we all get fixed points of view on things. And have you ever had that instance where you realize that something you thought was not correct at all. And you know that can be a crazy feeling... that actually creates a feeling of cognitive dissonance because you're like, Hey, wait a minute. I believed this about that. And it's not true at all. I've got a great example of this. A friend of mine, I don't know why her parents did this, but they told her that the word for mango was avocado and she believed this her entire life. Well, you can imagine the confusion that was caused for her as an adult when people were talking to her about mangoes and she's calling them avocados because how would she know that they were anything different? That's what her parents taught her, which really wasn't a very nice thing to do. So she had to go through that whole thing of like coming to terms with that and realizing a mango is a mango and there's a whole different thing called an avocado and you know, you don't think that that would be such a big deal, but it kind of was a big deal for her. I mean, just getting her head around the whole situation. How did this happen? And she had to get used to this whole new idea that this is not an avocado. It's a mango. So that's where I'm saying we don't see things the way they are. We see them the way we are because the way she was, was a mango was an avocado. Just look out this week for where your mangoes might be avocados and you might not be seeing something quite how it is. The tool for this week is just to consider the possibility again this week that something might not be exactly as you think and that you might just be seeing one very, very small piece of the puzzle. And be sure to take advantage of February 29th. That is our extra day. That is our leap day. I challenge all of you who are listening to take a leap this month. Do something outside your wheelhouse, you know, get outside the wheelhouse. Do something you wouldn't normally do because this is the month to do it cause it's just going to lead even to a better year and a better decade for you. Have a great month and be sure to check back in here next month for the month of March.
Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.