It’s Time to Appreciate Your Body, Embrace What Makes You Happy, and Align with Your Self Confidence1/26/2019 The Colors of Your Week: Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2019
Wow! This week is really all about loving yourself up in so many ways and levels. How lovely is that?
Start with a focus on your beautiful, beautiful body. Are you loving it? Or hating it? Are you honoring it? Or dishonoring? Do you feel connected? Or disconnected? Do you see it as beautiful? Or as needing improvement? Have you literally taken the time lately to thank your body? Have you ever thanked your body? This is really a great time now to sit with your body and love it up, thank it for everything it does for you… our bodies literally carry our sorry asses around… lol. Seriously, without it, we are without you… so please be kind to it, listen to it, don’t judge it (you’re literally judging yourself), talk to it, tell it it’s wonderful and honor it with supportive foods, sleep and enough water. Start a new great relationship with your body! Then, just keep going with focusing on what makes you happy… (and what makes your body happy). Become very aware of the things that make you smile and laugh and allow and make time for those things everyday because being happy is the most natural thing in the world and you deserve that as much as anyone! So go for it… be naturally happy even if there’s no reason at all for it. That’s one of the best kinds of happiness. As the weekend rolls around, take a moment and take stock of just how absolutely, astoundingly magnificent you are! I’m not kidding! I wish you could see you! You ARE amazing and I hope you can really take that in on a very deep level and know that. The very fact that you are alive on the planet and here right now proves that and if you can’t wrap your head around that, you’re just going to have to take my word for it. If you’re here, you’re meant to be here, and you are providing something that no one else can just by being you. So please align with that and have confidence in your own amazingness! You’re really something! Have the best week! ********* The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! Help Support The Coloring Book Coach! Buy her a Coffee today to show your appreciation!
The Colors of Your Week: Jan. 21-27, 2019
Have you gotten off course somehow? Now is a good time to reevaluate what’s going on and make sure it aligns with where you desire to go, have or be. Have you lost sight of what’s really important? Have you been pulled off course by other people’s suggestions, questions or judgments? It’s time to put your blinker on, pull over, double check the address and make sure it’s the one you started out towards.
Get your bearings and align with your own autonomy and integrity. If you’re headed down the wrong path, this is your wake-up call to stay true to you, and that it’s not too late to change your direction! Isn't’ that great to know? It’s important to trust you and your inner guidance system now. Oh boy, now that we’ve figured that out, midweek shows up with more opportunity for us to ‘get real’ with ourselves by looking at the relationships we’re involved in. What’s going on there? Which ones fill you up? Which ones suck you dry? Which ones do neither, but add steadiness? Which ones let you be you and love you for that you? Which ones feel constricting, limiting, judging, sad, or uncomfortable? As you ponder those questions, please focus on this… you are perfect just as you are, you are enough and the most important and longest relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. So start there. The end of the week comes with the stamina and courage to stand up and be free. Face your adversaries, say your peace, stand in who you are from a place of objectivity and neutrality. Free yourself from other’s expectations and the stories they tell about you. Rise above it all, in autonomy and integrity. You can do this and you deserve to do this. And, there’s lots of ways to do this…. letters, texts, messaging, calls, face-to-face, even through ceremony if direct action is impossible. It’s definitely possible now to speak your truth from both heart and mind and be done with it and move on. It’s time to be free. It’s quite a week! Just take it one step at a time and believe in yourself. You’ve got this! ********* The Colors of Your Week Kit includes the report, a suggested coloring palette, and a downloadable coloring sheet and is delivered to your inbox every Sunday as a member of The Coloring Book Clubhouse for just $11.11 a month or $19.99 for your first three months. Or just enjoy The Colors of Your Week on its own for only $5 each month! Help Support The Coloring Book Coach! Buy her a Coffee today to show your appreciation! The Colors of Your Week: Jan. 14-20, 2019
As we head into the second full week of 2019, it’s time to truly take stock of your own self worth. It’s time to not only take stock, but also define it and claim it!
What does this look like? Maybe it’s taking time to make a list of all the wonderful things about you… if that sounds overwhelming or you just feel like you can’t do it, start asking the people around to list what makes you wonderful… what are your best qualities? Then take that list and turn each word into a statement that starts with “I am...”, such as “I am kind. I am helpful. I am funny. I am smart. I am real.” It might help you to read that list every day and add to it when things come to mind or people tell you something else fabulous about your awesome self. The important thing is to believe it about yourself and claim it! You are worthy! Midweek is about embracing what makes you happy without reservation, shame, embarrassment or explanation. If you have guilty pleasures, it’s okay! We all have our quirks and what works for some people isn’t for others, and it’s okay. For sure this is a time for you to stand firm in what makes you happy no matter what anyone else says or feels about it. If they have a problem, it is so about them and not you. Be you and be happy about what makes you happy! The weekend is fun! Why? Because the energy is right for you to use your own magnetic energy to pull in what you desire. Tap into this by doing something creative… like coloring this week’s picture using the color palette, or singing, dancing, exercising, cooking, being in nature, whatever it is that makes you feel good. Be happy! See what happens. Envision yourself like the most gorgeous ray of sunshine, the kind that when it shows up, everyone just feels so much better. That is you! Give yourself permission to have fun, be joyful, be appreciative and grateful and watch what can shift in your world. It’s a powerful week, you align with your self world, allow yourself to be happy with whatever it is that makes you happy and by the weekend it’s all about using the magnetism of joy, gratitude and appreciation to create magic. Have a great week. Don't Miss Out on the Sigil Workshop... there's just a few spaces left, register now to claim your spot!
Say thanks with a cup of 'ko-fi', a fun way to show your appreciation.
Whatever it is you’ve been working towards, thinking about, dreaming about… don’t give up on it yet, the potential is there for it to happen and happen in a happy way. So, you can relax and let go of any worries… while also accepting that things happen exactly when they are supposed to, no matter when we think they should. Since you know that what you’ve been waiting for is happening, now is a great time to take some action towards your goal and have fun while you’re doing that! Action combined with joy is the most effective kind of action!
That’s perfect because the middle of the week is literally all about laughter! Are you laughing? Why not? It’s good for you! Take some time Wednesday or Thursday to find some time and a reason to laugh. There’s no point in being so serious when there’s so many reasons to smile. Take a look around and find the humor in the situation! (I had an embarrassing moment earlier this week and I mean REALLY embarrassing, but I was able to find the humor in it and couldn’t stop laughing in retrospect). There’s always a reason to laugh, you just have to be willing to be open to finding it . Also if there’s something you’re trying to resolve or figure out, now’s a great to step back and distract yourself with something funny! Pull out a movie that always makes you laugh; call or visit with a friend who you know you can count on to get you giggling; read funny memes or jokes… anything to get the giggles going! By the end of the week, you’ll be be happy to know that whatever is going on in your life or around you, the truth is always that you deserve the very best. And, here’s a secret that I know for sure is true… when you expect the best, the best starts to show up for you! It’s easy once you get used to the fact that you deserve the best, the next logical thing to do is to expect the best. Start now and see what happens as the year moves forward. See things working out for you. See things going right. See things happening for you, not to you. See a bright and beautiful future. See healing. See love. See compassion for yourself and others. See kindness. See peace. See prosperity, potential and possibilities. See it all… and see what happens.
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Kim A. Flodin
Wise Woman of the Woods Spiritual Teacher Reiki Master Guide Intuitive Energy Master Empath Medium FREE coloring book! FREE Guide on How to Say No! Facebook Group Podcast How in the HELL did I Get Here Podcast Archive. Archives
January 2023
* Note: Intuitive Insights are provided for entertainment purposes only. I make no claims that the insights should be used for any purpose beyond entertainment and strongly discourage the use of these insights for any reason other than amusement. The Coloring Book Coach is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from your access this information.